Chancroid is a highly infectious bacterial infection that spreads through sexual contact. It is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi.
It is a tender, elevated bump, or papule, that becomes a pus-filled, open sore with eroded or ragged edges in the groin area. It is soft to the touch (unlike a syphilis chancre that is hard or rubbery).
The bacteria causes painful ulcers or sores in the genital region. Chancroid is a risk factor in the transmission and acquisition of HIV infection. The bacteria are more likely to invade the sexual organs at the point of a pre-existing injury, such as a small cut or scratch.
Different genital ulcers
First signs of infection appear from 3-5 days and up to 2 weeks after contact, and usually, a tender, raised bump develops where the bacteria entered the body:
– inside/outside the vagina or rectum
– occasionally on hands, thighs or mouth
– on the penis
Within 1-4 days, the bump transforms into one or more shallow sores which break open and deepen, becoming:
– filled with pus
– inflamed
– painful
– ruptured
The next stage may persist for several weeks and may result in:
- a painful open sore
- the purulent base of the ulcer
- several lesions merging to form gigantic ulcers
In over half of the untreated cases, the chancroid bacteria infects the lymph glands in the groin.
The lymph glands in the groin may
- swell, creating a pus-filled bulge, known as a bubo
- enlarge until they burst through the skin
- drain continuously
- remain open
- become infected by other bacteria
- may be firm or fluctuant
- may rupture or ulcerate
What is the difference between a Chancroid and a Chancre?
- The chancre is a lesion typical of infection with the bacterium that causes syphilis, Treponema pallidum. A Chancre is typically painless.
- Chancroid is a lesion typical of disease with the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi. Chancroid is usually painful.
The typical chancroid bubo:
- appears about 1-2 weeks after the ulcer forms
- is unilateral, spherical, and painful
In men
- 1-4 sores on the penis may develop
- Buboes occur in about 50% of male patients
- The foreskin may swell
The ulcers are usually found in:
- the prepuce near the frenulum
- coronal sulcus
- glans
Rectal sores may bleed and or cause pain when defecating
In women
- Buboes are uncommon in women
- Dyspareunia (painful sex)
- Dysuria (painful urination)
- Painless sores can develop on the cervix
- Several sores may develop around the vagina and rectum
- Vaginal discharge
The ulcers are usually found on the following:
- Cervix
- The entrance of the vagina, particularly the fourchette
- Labia majora and minora
- Peri-anal area
Rectal sores may bleed and or cause pain when defecating
Get help
Chancroid can get better on its own. Some people have months of painful ulcers and draining before they heal. Antibiotic treatment, however, clears up the lesions quickly with minimal scarring. Lesions and ulcers can be expected to heal within two weeks with treatment. Untreated chancroid conditions may cause permanent scarring on the genitals of men and lead to severe complications and infections in women.
Patients should be re-examined 3–7 days after therapy is initiated. If treatment is successful, ulcers usually improve symptomatically within three days and objectively within seven days after therapy.
When and for how long is a person able to spread chancroid?
Chancroid is contagious as long as the infected person has open sores. These sores contain bacteria, and any contact with them can result in infection.
Chancroid is spread by sexual contact with an infected person. Avoiding all forms of sexual activity is the only absolute way to prevent a sexually transmitted disease.
However, safe sex behaviours may reduce your risk. The proper use of condoms, either the male or female type, significantly decreases the risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease. You need to wear a condom from the beginning to the end of each sexual activity.
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Main image: Unsplash/ Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash