Fear doesn’t stop death, it stops life.
We are born with only two innate fears – the fear of falling and the fear of loud sounds – the natural, meaning quality or ability you are born with or present naturally. Both cause a flight, fight or freeze response. It makes us alert to danger and prepares us to deal with it. No human life has ever existed without the experience of fear. It is a typical human experience.
Dr Karl Albrecht described 5 types of common fears that he identified in humans, namely the fear of
- Extinction – for example, annihilation, ceasing to exist.
- Mutilation – for example, body invasion, physical pain, amputation, and loss of natural function.
- Loss of autonomy – for example, being restricted, confined, trapped, or suffocated.
- Separation, abandonment, rejection – as humans, we have a strong need to belong, connect with people and the world around us.
- Humiliation, shame, worthlessness – we have a strong need to mean something to someone, to be loved.
As you get older, you learn to fear by association. For example, when you experience something that scares you – being bitten by a dog- your body will react fearfully to a dog that barks and appears aggressive. It will cause an immediate flight or fight response in your body to protect you. Generally speaking, fear is regarded as being prompted by a clear and present threat: you sense danger and feel afraid.
When does fear become a problem?
But there is another type of fear – the one that stops life. This type of fear is a learned fear. It can cripple ideas, crush experiences, stall success, and keep you prisoner. The saddest part of this is that it is often self-inflicted. The fear is most of the time accompanied by anxiety. On the other hand, stress is born from less tangible concerns: it can feel like fear but without a clear cause. A person has a premonition of doom or a constant dread of failure. It is the thing that keeps you awake at night, steals your appetite, causes a knot in your stomach, and robs you of your lust for life.
How to cope with fear?
Face your fear.
Although facing your fear might be the most difficult for you – you have to learn more about the fear to conquer it, and the only way to do it is to spend time with it. Marie Curie said nothing in life should be feared. It should be understood. This means the more you know about the thing you fear. The less your fear will become.
Allow yourself to sit with your fear for 2-3 minutes. Practice mindfulness while you sit. Breathe in and out slowly. Just let the emotions flow past—although they are difficult to bear, imagine them as autumn leaves drifting past on a lazy river or the ebb and flow of the ocean.
Keep a journal.
Write down your fears in a journal. Write down the emotions that you feel when thinking about fear. When you start making lists and writing down feelings and thoughts, it helps make everything much more manageable and makes you feel grounded. It organizes the jumble of tasks swarming around in your brain into a functional system that dampens anxiety about the chaos of life. Journals and lists give us a structure, a plan that we can stick to, and they prove what we have achieved that day, week, or month.
Write down the worst realistic-case scenario about your fear that you can think of. This will help you eliminate fuzziness around the worry by giving it clarity. It will help you realize that even in the worst-case scenario, you can survive and bounce back.
If you share your fear with a family member or friend, they might give you a new perspective on the problem that might help you realize you made something much greater of it than it is. Brooding on fear alone allows it to grow into a monster in your mind. Never be afraid to ask for help from a level-headed friend or counsellor.
Don’t focus on aspects that keep you stuck. Try to move from being problem-focused to being solution-focused. For that, you might need input from another person.
Use your imagination constructively.
Imagination is a beautiful thing. It gives you power, creativity, and the ability to think outside the box.
Often, we have irrational fears that keep us awake at night – for example. You fear going alone to an airport to catch a plane.
Instead of allowing your imagination to run riot, control what you think and imagine a scenario where you practice in your mind how you will catch a cab to the airport, how you will walk up to the information desk and ask for help to find the check-in, how you will ask the ground crew where you have to go to board the plane, etc. You can replay any scenario in your brain over and over until the anxiety and fears subside. If you can bring humour to the situation, joking with yourself will relieve even more tension.
Get some exercise
Few things relieve anxiety as effectively as exercise—and it can be something as simple as going for a brisk walk. Exercise gives you the chance to think about nothing except the next step you are taking. It gives you time to reconnect with nature. It has a calming effect on us and helps ground us.
Another word for grounding is ”earthing”. Connect with all your senses while you are out there – what do you see around you, what sounds do you hear, what smells do you smell, and how does the air feel on your skin?
Be kind to yourself
Life is tough enough, and you do not have to beat yourself up, too. Instead, consider making a list of things that you do well. List your good attributes and talents; list the difficult situations you have coped with. Give yourself credit for that. Respect your courage to find a way through fear. Tell yourself that fear doesn’t know your strength.
Give yourself time to rest. Allow yourself to do something every day that you love and enjoy. Eat healthily. Rest enough.
”Hope”- a powerful word that inspires millions of people
”Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.” Hope is the belief that things will work. Hope believes you will get through whatever you fear. Hope teams with faith and believes in the impossible. Hope helps people to stay alive long enough to figure out a way to thrive.
Isaiah 43 1 says, ”Don’t fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.
God commands us not to fear or worry. The phrase ”do not fear” is used more than 80 times in the Bible, most likely because He knows the enemy uses fear to decrease our hope and limit our victories.
Faith and fear both demand you believe in something you cannot see – you choose.