The reason could be the overuse of technology (cell phones, for example.)
According to researchers, “connection addiction” can rewire (hi-jack) your brain.
“A computer is like electronic cocaine, fueling cycles of mania followed by depressive stretches,” says Peter Whybrow, the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior director at UCLA.
What does brain hijacking mean?
Brain hijacking is the application of principles from fields such as neuroscience, behavioural psychology, and sociology to develop compulsive elements for consumer technologies.
“The more you engage in any type of emotion or behaviour, the greater your desire for it will become”.
Are my kids addicted to it? What is a safe age to introduce my young children to it? If my child does not learn to use it while young, will they lag behind other children who did? Do you like to stay inside to play video games or surf the internet?
Internet technology is a new, super-fast development in the history of the human race. However, the impact of the internet on the human brain and its growth during childhood needs more research.
“It is widespread for humans to develop things with the best intentions, which have unintended, negative consequences,” says Justin Rosenstein, the 34-year-old Facebook engineer who created the “like” button. “What could be the psychological effects on people who, research shows, on average, touch, swipe or tap their phone 2,617 times a day?” There are growing concerns that, as well as addicting users, technology contributes toward so-called “continuous partial attention”, severely limiting people’s ability to focus and possibly lowering IQ. In addition, technology, regular cell phone usage, and constant access have rewired most brains.
“Everyone is distracted,” Rosenstein says. “All of the time.”
For example, Nearly everyone is constantly checking their phone for the latest Facebook updates, text messages, app updates, or even browsing the web for news. As a result, most people have inadvertently become dependent upon cell phones to navigate the world. Out of the world’s estimated 7 billion people, 6 billion have access to mobile phones. Problematic technology includes cell phones, Xbox, PlayStation games, tablets, PCs and the internet.
An internal Facebook leaked report revealed that the company could identify when teens feel “insecure”, “worthless”, and “need a confidence boost”. Tristan Harris, a 33-year-old former Google employee, turned vocal critic of the tech industry. “All of us are jacked into this system,” he says. “All of our minds can be hijacked. Our choices are not as free as we think they are.” He is lifting the curtain on the vast powers accumulated by technology companies and how they use that influence. “A handful of people, working at a handful of technology companies, through their choices will steer what a billion people are thinking today,”
Justin Rosenstein says, “One reason I think it is essential for us to talk about this now is that we may be the last generation to remember life before.” Most tech insiders questioning today’s attention economy are in their 30s, members of the last generation that can remember a world in which telephones were plugged into walls. It reveals that many of these younger technologists are weaning themselves off their products, sending their children to elite Silicon Valley schools where iPhones, iPads and even laptops are banned.
The Bureau of Market Research at UNISA¹ has released alarming statistics on technology use among secondary school learners in South Africa.
- 80% of learners always keep a cell phone close to them
- 70% use a cell phone while watching TV (Multitasking)
- 60% indicated they could not live without it
- 85% do not keep track of the time they spend texting
- 80% feel nervous without their cell phone
- 75% spend more than 3 hours per day on social media/texting/internet
- 62% said they stayed online longer than intended
- 56% show problematic texting behaviour.
Waldorf schools: This is where the chief technology officer of eBay sent his children, as well as employees of Silicon Valley giants like Google, Apple, Yahoo and Hewlett-Packard. Three-quarters of the students there have parents with solid high-tech connections. Why? Did you know that Steve Jobs never allowed his children to use the devices he invented? The Waldorf school’s chief teaching tools are pens and paper, knitting needles and, occasionally, mud. No computers or cell phones are allowed in school. They are not allowed in the classroom, and the school even frowns on their use at home. While schools worldwide have rushed to supply their classrooms with computers and hi-tech equipment, a contrarian point of view can be found at the tech economy’s epicentre, where some parents and educators have a clear message: computers and schools don’t mix. Waldorf schools subscribe to a teaching philosophy focused on physical activity and learning through creative, hands-on tasks. Those who endorse this approach say computers inhibit creative thinking, movement, human interaction and attention spans. Paul Thomas, a former teacher and an associate professor of education at Furman University, who has written 12 books about public educational methods, disagreed, saying that “a spare approach to technology in the classroom will always benefit learning.” “Teaching is a human experience,” he said. “Technology is a distraction when we need literacy, numeracy and critical thinking.” And Waldorf’s parents argue that real engagement comes from great teachers with attractive lesson plans. Many people feel their children will be left behind if they don’t learn to use technology early in life. Waldorf’s parents disagree and counter that argument with how easy it is to pick technology skills. Technology developers make their products “brain-dead” and easy to use. It is in their financial interest that every person on earth should be able to use it.
Problematic internet use covers a range of severity, namely: Mild problems we perceive among typical well-functioning individuals who text multiple times per hour or ignore family and friends to get together in favour of texting. Moderate problems we perceive among individuals whose screen time activities result in moderate family discord and inefficient work but who are still able to, for example, get good grades and participate in sports (if it’s a kid). Severe problems are detected among individuals who cannot control their online behaviour despite significant resultant problems such as isolation, falling grades, family turmoil and withdrawal from friends, family and activities. These can be caused by addiction to social media, pornography, gambling, or online gaming. One noticeable difference between habit and addiction is the effort and time required to change it. Conversely, altering habits requires minimal effort, time, and attention. On the other hand, addiction often demands an integrative, long-term plan to treat negative physical symptoms like withdrawal and the emotional disconnect between body and behaviour.How do we differentiate between a bad habit and addiction?
Symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder
- Severe anger (Anger Quiz)
- Problems with decision-making
- Lack of self-control
- Difficulties with concentration (Multitasking)
- Depression
- Mania
- Sleep disturbances
- Lack of personal hygiene
- Eating patterns changing
- Boredom
- Loneliness
- Sexual dysfunction
- Poor social skills
- Psychosis
- Anhedonia
Nomophobia: is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. “Phantom vibration syndrome“: the syndrome known as “phantom vibration” is characterized by an individual falsely perceiving that their cell phone is either vibrating or ringing at a time when it isn’t. Those who experience phantom vibration syndrome may be engaging in an activity away from their cell phones yet believe it’s ringing. Ringanxiety is another term for phantom vibration syndrome. Watch people when someone’s phone rings—they’ll check theirs, too, just in case. Anhedonia is the inability to feel pleasure. FOMO: fear of missing out. Catfish: People who deliberately create fake personal profiles online to trick an unsuspecting person into falling in love with them. iPredator: A person, group or nation who, directly or indirectly, engages in exploitation, victimization, coercion, stalking, theft or disparagement of others using Information and Communications Technology [ICT].The addictive behaviour gave rise to new terms like:
How does someone get addicted?
It begins with seeking enjoyment ( this is fun!) or escaping (this game/activity takes the mind off my problems). Screen time leads to a pleasurable experience, and the neurotransmitter dopamine mediates it in the brain. Dopamine is known as the pleasure chemical in the brain.
Because we quickly build up tolerance against pleasure, we seek more of it for the same amount of fun. This psychological process requires ever-stronger stimuli to produce the same effect, like a drug addict chases the next high. So, it drives the person to watch more and spend more and more time online.
Another driver of addiction is withdrawal – the moment we cease the activity, the pleasure chemical dopamine stops being released. We experience the symptoms as uncomfortable – a discomfort stemming from abstinence. This constant seeking of stimuli leads to more problems in life. The person loses control over the activity – it controls them now. Many people with ADHD are already prone to rapid and immediate stimuli, which helps explain their proneness to all sorts of addictions.
Addictive drugs trigger feel-good brain chemicals such as dopamine in the nucleus accumbens, a cluster of nerve cells underneath the cerebral cortex, also known as the brain’s pleasure centre. Internet Addiction changes the brain, similar to cocaine. For example, a Facebook addict and a cocaine addict have the same brain changes that indicate addiction to SPECT brain scans. Certain chemicals are released in your brain to allow it to function normally. They are called neurotransmitters. NEUROTRANSMITTERS are the brain chemicals that communicate information throughout our brain and body. They relay signals between nerve cells, called “neurons.” For example, the brain uses neurotransmitters to tell your heart to beat, your lungs to breathe, and your stomach to digest. Dopamine is the brain’s pleasure chemical. Pleasure is just the tip of the dopamine iceberg. Dopamine impacts the body in many areas, including motivation, memory, behaviour and cognition, attention, sleep, mood, learning, and pleasurable reward. The mesolimbic pathway, which originates in the middle of the brain and branches to various places like the cerebral cortex, is the brain’s most crucial reward pathway. One of the mesolimbic stops is the nucleus accumbens. Increased dopamine in the nucleus accumbens signals feedback for predicting rewards. Your brain recognizes that something important — good or bad — is about to happen, thus triggering motivation to do something. In this instance, it motivates you to text on your cell phone, surf the internet, watch a porn movie on your PC or play a PlayStation game. Dopamine interacts with another neurotransmitter, glutamate, to control the brain’s reward-related learning system. This system is vital in sustaining life because it links activities needed for human survival, such as eating and sex, with pleasure and reward. So, dopamine is good for you until it gets too much. For example, repeated exposure to an addictive substance causes nerve cells to communicate so that couples’ liking’ something without ‘wanting’ it. It, in turn, drives us to go after it. Over time, the brain’s reward centre is less impacted by dopamine and needs more to obtain the same dopamine “high“. Your brain is clever. It quickly stores information about environmental cues associated with the desired substance. These memories help create a conditioned response – intense urge- whenever the person encounters signals from surroundings. Cravings contribute not only to addiction but also to relapse during periods of abstinence. Example: The possibility of receiving a message on your cell phone when the screen lights up triggers a dopamine release, the same as your ringtone. Red numbers indicate new notifications, such as a cell phone’s vibration. At first, a person will experience no symptoms of increased dopamine secretion. As it progresses, however, the reward centre starts blocking dopamine access. Eventually, it blocks it off completely. By this time, the person will be unable to experience feelings of pleasure. The term used to describe this state is “Anhedonia”—the inability to feel joy. There has been a sharp increase in people who self-harm in the past few years. It seems to have become a trend, a coping mechanism for youth today. During a recent survey, secondary school pupils were asked if they know of someone who self-harms, and 70 -80% indicated that they know of someone who does. It also seems to be a predominantly teen thing. Most of the time, reasons for self-harm are a chaotic home environment, sexual abuse, and overuse of internet technology. When kids have cut off all dopamine from the “pleasure centre” in their brains, they don’t feel anymore. To start feeling again, they turn to cut. When they cut, another neurotransmitter is released – endorphin. The pain from cutting makes the brain sense injury and floods the system with endorphins, which act as a natural pain reliever. However, it is not as powerful as dopamine and the high they get quickly dissipates. Then they have to cut again, and again, and again. Cutting becomes more extreme and profound as time passes, and they draw blood. Some cut to the bone after a while to get the endorphin release. The top three reasons for digital anhedonia are watching pornography, playing social video games and internet surfing—Self-Harm Quiz.The pleasure principle
What is dopamine?
The learning process and development of tolerance
Compulsion takes over
How do addicts cope with anhedonia?
You may ask why internet technology?
“A digital home lends itself to isolation.” Imagine a house where every family member is occupied on their device / TV / PC / PlayStation. They are all together yet disconnected. That is not God’s plan for any family. Isolation leads to loneliness.
Wise words from the book Digital Cocaine: A Journey Toward iBalance. Brad Huddleston. 2015
Do you study while listening to music and texting your friends? Do you watch TV and Facebook or WhatsApp simultaneously? Do you watch a series on your PC while studying? “People can’t multitask very well, and when people say they can, they’re deluding themselves,” said neuroscientist Earl Miller. And, he said, “The brain is very good at deluding itself.” Miller, a Pi-cower professor of neuroscience at MIT, says that, for the most part, we can’t focus on more than one thing at a time. What we can do, he said, is shift our focus from one thing to the next with astonishing speed. “Switching from task to task, you think you’re simultaneously paying attention to everything around you. But you’re not,” Miller said. “You’re not paying attention to one or two things simultaneously but switching between them rapidly.” Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again, October 2, 2008. I heard on Morning Edition. Jon Hamilton, 2010. Our brains are designed to focus on one thing at a time, and bombarding them with information only slows them down. When people think they’re multitasking, they quickly switch from one task to another. And every time they do, there’s a cognitive cost.” This constant task-switching encourages bad brain habits. When we complete a tiny task (sending an email, answering a text message, posting a tweet), we are hit with a dollop of dopamine, our reward hormone. Our brains love dopamine, so we’re encouraged to switch between small mini-tasks that give us instant gratification. Unfortunately, this creates a dangerous feedback loop that makes us feel like we’re accomplishing a ton when we’re not doing much (or at least nothing requiring much critical thinking). Multitasking can lower your IQ by between 10-15%. For men, multitasking can drop IQ by as much as 15 points, essentially turning you into the cognitive equivalent of an 8-year-old.Multitasking is killing your brain.
Effects of multitasking:
Get help
How to treat internet dependency?
Prevention is the best remedy.
Before you give your child their first digital screen technology – for example, a PC/ Cell phone / iPad / Notebooks –
- explain the dangers and
- what they need to know about internet safety,
- set passwords for their security and
- have them sign a contract with you about their use of technology.
Here is a customisable example of such a contract
Recognize that total abstinence from internet technology is neither possible nor desirable.
Just as a sex addict cannot abstain from sex for life or a food addict cannot stop eating altogether, neither can an internet addict abstain from the internet permanently. Computer use is a virtual necessity for modern life. The goal is, therefore, to moderate use. For example: “I will only use the computer for work, email and online banking.” Set bottom-line behaviours, for example,” I will never visit gambling or porn sites,” or “I will never stay online when I am not working or when my partner has gone to bed.”
Please note professional help is likely to be required for true addiction. Commonly suggested therapies include motivational interviewing, Cognitive behavioural therapy, Dialectic therapy and family therapy.
Parents’ dilemma in setting limits:
We watch our kids playing for hours on digital media with mixed emotions –
- pride over their prodigy’s technical prowess
- Happiness that they are preparing their child for the future,
- And fear about the as yet incompletely known possible effects of all this technology use on their child’s brain and future.
More – According to one survey (Porter 2013):
- 90% of teachers felt technology had created a distracted generation with short attention spans.
- Almost 50% thought it hurt critical thinking and homework ability.
- 76% felt students were conditioned to find quick answers.
- 60% thought it hindered writing and face-to-face communication.
Simple rules that can help your child
- Teenagers need 9 hours of sleep per night, yet this generation often survives on 4-6 hours.
- Remove all technology from your bedroom when you go to bed—no flickering lights from a Hi-fi, TV or PC. The bedroom must be dark.
- Use a traditional alarm clock to wake up, not a cell phone.
- Use real books instead of Kindle, preferably.
- When you play games – choose board games instead of online games.
- No music and no cell phone in your room while you are studying.
- Your cell phone’s faintest vibration or flickering light will release dopamine and distract you.
- Do not listen to music while you are sleeping—it, too, triggers dopamine, which can affect you.
- Turn off all technology two hours before you go to sleep. Your dopamine levels must return to low levels for you to get a decent night’s sleep. Dopamine release causes a flight-or-fight response, which you don’t need when you sleep.
- Set house rules for using all technology – for example, no phones when having meals.
- Keep track of time spent on social media.
- Check monthly phone and internet bills.
- Check your children’s online visit history on the PC.
- Teach children etiquette on cell phone use AND LEAD BY EXAMPLE.
- Create support groups for parents with children who are problematic users of internet technology.
What is brain hijacking? | Definition from TechTarget.
‘Our minds can be hijacked’: the tech insiders who fear a smartphone ….
What is Phantom Vibration Syndrome? – Mental Health Daily.
A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute – The New York Times.
A Silicon Valley School That Doesn’t Compute – Amexpas.
Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact – and it’s….–plague-24-7-age.html.
Online Predators, Internet Child Predators & iPredator.
Understanding Addiction –
Synaptic Transmission and Amino Acid Neurotransmitters.
Think You’re Multitasking? Think Again: NPR –
Multitasking is Killing Your Brain | Observer.